General Intercessions for:
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 28, 2024


Presider: On this Sunday, as we celebrate our life-giving union with the Lord, let us pray that we are grafted to the Vine to tap into the grace, the healing, the nourishment, and the unifying energy that is the Spirit.


Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor:  Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”

1. That the presence of Jesus, the Vine, nourish with vitality and enthusiasm Pope Francis, our bishop ___________, those in consecrated life, all clergy, and People of God. May the sharing of the truth and wonder of Easter find fertile soil in all nations, we pray...

2. That the Lord’s peace given in the upper room is shared with all nations so that violence, war, and crime are washed out of every heart and mind. We remember especially the peoples of Ukraine, Gaza and Israel, Sudan, and other nations suffering armed conflict, we pray...

3. That the fullness of the gift of life bring the overwhelming energy of the Spirit to the Church, empowering those struggling on the margins of society with opportunities for adequate employment, education, health care, and inclusion in the Church, we pray...

4. That the Lord’s Vine graft persons suffering from physical and mental illness to the life-giving Spirit, healing them of their pain, we pray...

5. That the branches of the Lord’s vine approaching the end of their pilgrimage be welcomed by the merciful and compassionate, Father, we pray...

6. For the personal needs of those in this assembly, that the Lord instill in them the grace of faith and hope. That they may obey the commands of God and love one another in deed and truth. We pause for a moment sending our personals requests to the Risen Lord.

(pause)       Father we pray…

Presider: Jesus, our brother, we send these our concerns and needs to the Father in your name, carried by the Holy Spirit. May our prayers provide us the faith and hope to love intensely in deed and in truth. Emblazon in our hearts the Father’s commands for a righteous life. We ask this of the Father in your name through the unifying power of the Holy Spirit.


Response: Amen